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چهارشنبه, 18 بهمن 1396 ساعت 15:52

واحد پاشش-ENGLISH

نوشته شده توسط
این مورد را ارزیابی کنید
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finishing equipment & plant engineering



Before learning the features, benefits, and uses for spray booths, it is important to know the basics that apply to all spray booths: the reasons for using a spraybooth, what a spray booth can and cannot do, the various federal, state, andlocal agencies that give approval to a new spray booth installation, NationalFire Protection Association Bulletin 33 (NFPA-33) as it relates to spray boothdesign and booth classifications, the difference between code compliance andenvironmental compliance, how to determine booth efficiency, and the mostcommon types of spray booths and how they are used.The various codes and agencies that govern spray booth classification, installationand operation can be very confusing. Understanding the codes and howthey apply to spray booths allows for identifying the most appropriate booth.The purpose of a spray booth is to confine the application of a hazardous material to a restricted controlled environment. Spray booths prevent hazardous overspray and volatiles from escaping confinement and causing fire or explosionhazard to nearby operations. They control the air-fuel mixture so that a combustible combination cannot occur. In addition, spray booths provide a clean environment in which to paint.


The primary function of a paint spray booth is to reduce the likelihood of firesand explosions. A secondary consideration is protecting the operator from toxic materials. This protection is best done with respirators, protective clothing, and hoods. Spray booths cannot be designed to adequately protect the operator from overspray contamination. It is not unusual for part geometry to require the spray gun to be directed near the operator.A spray booth is not an emission control device even though some end ............................................................


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